Sunday, December 7, 2014

Digital Textbooks Don't Have It All, But What They Have Is So Cool.

I have been researching and thinking about modern textbooks for a few weeks, and I have put together this little movie on Powtoons. I hope that you will be edutained.

What do I use in my classroom?

I have access to digital technologies every day at school. I have a digital version of both the kids reading and math books. The kids have access to all this too, but we don't have the devices to take advantage of what we have. So, for now, we use what we can on the Smart-board, which I am so very grateful to have. The Journeys program reading textbook's only extra feature is that it can read to you all words on the page. I do use this feature and I can see how this would be so very helpful in the younger grades to model  what it should sound like and to help with decoding words for struggling readers. I do feel, however, that it could do so much more. Just adding links to the book so that students could explore more about the topics would take it to the next level.

The math series that the district just bought, Go Math, has much, much, more. We have slowly been gaining access to the materials, so I will admit that I am not sure that I even know everything that it can do. I have been trying different features. My students favorite is a skills practice that has four parts. It teaches the skill, which is often more than what we cover in one lesson, gives practice, has work on your own and ends with a quiz. I will start out some classes with part of this skill builder. I do encourage students to use them at home, but I have had limited responses to that very fine suggestion. In class, however, they love it. In the practice section it will tell them when they are right. This is actually how they refer to the program, "Can we do 'That's Right!'  Mrs. Lopez?" It is hard to turn down kids who can't wait to figure out math quickly on their whiteboards for the chance to type in an answer up front. Nothing is better to them to hear that movie phone voice say "That's Right!" Then I go into a daydream where we all have Chromebooks and decent wireless network in the building and think about how this would be if they all had their devices to do this part instead of their low tech white boards. That would be so cool. 

My research is all linked in my personally curated newspaper. Textbooks in the Modern World

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Heeelp!

I really really wanted to do something that was cartoon poppy with hand helpers. So, for this end product I jump on the chance to play with PowToons. It is fun, but not perfect. Apparently I need to voice over the whole thing on one reel. I am using audacity, but I want to know exactly what I am saying in order before I polish up my voice over. At the same time, I want to have the pictures match the words. I have a solid start, but it isn't done.

I am looking at textbooks in this modern age.

Update: I took out the videos, I didn't approve of the way the video stopped.-----I found 2 videos to start that I want to use. unfortunately the auto-play stops after the movies and you have to double click the > in the middle to get it to keep playing. With a play button right next to that and a single click not working, I am not a fan of how that is working, but I really feel that it shows what an interactive textbook can do. So, Question 1. Are the videos as great as I think they are, or not worth the hassle of restarting?

I only have the words done for the first 5 slides. The pictures on these slide are pretty much what I want in the end. I am not thrilled with my voice performance, but I think the words are decent.At this point it is only polished through the 5th slide with the different colleges popping. Question 2, is this a strong enough start?

I am still piecing together the rest of the slides. Overall I am looking at how it benefits teachers to make their own books, what free sourcing brings to the table, who can actually use the technology, and why print book still have some advantages. The voice is done for the rest, the images are still all a work in progress for this. Question 3, is that a sufficient range of topics?

Take 3- I think that I am down to fine tuning at this point. Anything really bothersome at this point?
Now that you have been able to view it, are the cartoons and images working? Is the blend of cartoons with really images visually working for you?

Thanks for taking the time to look at my work in progress.

Here is a link to my newspaper as well.